出售纯白色美国宣威漆 Sale of a bucket of USA She

98459253 98459253

出售纯白色美国宣威漆 Sale of a bucket of USA Sherwin Paint (white)

由于多买了一桶20Kg装的环保节能无味的纯白色美国宣威漆 ,想出让它。这一桶20Kg装的漆可以粉刷HDB 4rm全部还可剩下3~4Kg. 它的竹碳环保吸附能力特强,比日邦漆好。原价S$68.99, 现你只付我S$45.00那桶漆就是你的了。预购从速。手机 98459253.

Because of one more bought of bucket 20kg USA Sherwin Paint (white) , will sale it under the discount to you if you want. This bucket of the paint can be painting full new HDB 4rm house and balance aux. 3~4kg. This paint is environmental protection & energy conservation & no smell/odour, its quality is better more than Japan Paint. Its original price is S$68.99, now you can pay me just S445.00 to get it.

