专业教师,全脑记忆,综合补习,单项强化,私人家教,快乐学华文 82684922

82684922 82684922

专业教师,全脑记忆,综合补习,单项强化,帮助孩子快乐学华文! Professional teachers, whole brain memory, Comprehensive tutorial, individual reinforcement,help your children to learn chinese happily!

1.华文补习(听力、口试、阅读、作文)Chinese Tutorial(listening、Speaking、Reading、Writing) It helps children to adapt to MOE Chinese curriculum with professional curriculum configuration; help the children to establish confidence, learn Chinese happily and put them into practice according to the children's psychological characteristics and enhance the children's ability of practical application of Chinese.

2.启蒙阅读(PPT、诗歌、童话、成语、图片、游戏相结合) Enlightenment reading .The combination of children’s poem, fairy tales, idioms and illustrations,pictures and game help children learn to use, read books happily, increase the accumulation of children's Chinese words and sentences, enhance the expression of Chinese and help children fall in love with Chinese.


Learning Pinyin Happily (PPT, pinyin, pictures, voice, practice, practical use). It can help children accurately and efficiently learn the Pinyin, be skilled in use of Pinyin, so that your child can study easily in Chinese after entering the primary school; and it can greatly enhance the children's reading ability and self-learning ability.


Basic strokes and Basic structural verb of Chinese character(pronunciation, graphics, explanation, practice and game)

5.P1-P6 阅读理解和作文。 P1-P6 Reading comprehension and composition

HP:82684922 email:[email protected]
